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New US attorneys seem to have partisan records
Kansas City Star - MO,USA
WASHINGTON - Under President Bush, the Justice Department has backed laws
that narrow minority voting rights and pressed US attorneys to investigate
voter ...
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<>US intensifies campaign for missile defense system in Eastern Europe
San Diego Union Tribune - San Diego,CA,USA
His stop was the latest in a flurry of US diplomatic consultations aimed at
shoring up support across Europe for the shield a $3.5 billion
initiative that ...
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<>Exclusive: Iranians Had Showdown With US Forces
U.S. News & World Report - Washington,DC,USA
According to a US Army report out of Iraq obtained by US News, American
troops, acting as advisers for Iraqi border guards, were recently
surrounded and ...
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<>US refuses to halt Australian's Guantanamo trial
Reuters AlertNet - London,England,UK
WASHINGTON, March 23 (Reuters) - A US judge refused on Friday to halt
Australian prisoner David Hicks' war crimes tribunal at the Guantanamo
naval base, ...
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<>Suspect 'aided US embassy blast'
BBC News - UK
A prisoner at Guantanamo Bay has admitted delivering explosives used to
blow up the US embassy in Tanzania in 1998, a Pentagon transcript shows.
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<>Brian Duffy Leaves Helm of US News - Washington,DC,USA
Brian Kelly, who has been number two at US News & World Report for the past
nine years, will run the magazine following the departure of Brian Duffy
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<>Fired NorCal US attorney maintains silence despite dismissal
San Jose Mercury News - San Jose,CA,USA
SAN FRANCISCO- Even as he was being fired, former Northern California US
Attorney Kevin Ryan assured his Justice Department bosses he was a "company
man" ...
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<>Finding fault in a mysterious tax benefit for non-US companies
International Herald Tribune - France
In June, the Internal Revenue Service quietly told the US Congress that it
planned to study the issue but no date was set for completing that review.
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<>US accuses detainee of carrying Jakarta bomb funds
Washington Post - Washington,DC,USA
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The US military accused an al Qaeda suspect at the
Guantanamo Bay military prison of transporting $50000 used for the 2003
Marriott ...
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<>Gazette editorial about Gonzales and US attorney purge ignored ...
Media Matters for America - Washington,DC,USA
Summary: The Gazette of Colorado Springs dubiously argued in an editorial
that the Bush administration's firing of eight US attorneys is "much ado
about ...
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