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Editorials on firing of US attorneys
Fort Wayne News Sentinel - Fort Wayne,IN,USA
The Bush administration slipped a provision into the USA Patriot Act that
Congress renewed last year allowing the attorney general to appoint interim
US ...
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<>Roadside bombs kill 9 US soldiers Monday in Iraq
Houston Chronicle - Houston,TX,USA
BAGHDAD, Iraq Nine American soldiers died in explosions north of
Baghdad, the US military announced today, making Monday the deadliest
single day for US ...
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<>Human Rights Watch Says Guantanamo Undermines US on Rights Issues
Voice of America - USA
The head of the New York-based group Human Rights Watch says
detention-without-trial and other practices in the war on terrorism have
undermined US ...
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<>US: Congress Should Enact New Anti-Torture Bill
Reuters AlertNet - London,England,UK
(Washington, DC, March 6, 2007) The US Congress should act quickly to
enact a bill introduced today that would end the practice of "extraordinary
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<>Hill Says US Had `Constructive' North Korea Talks on Ties
Bloomberg - USA
March 6 (Bloomberg) -- The US held ``very constructive'' talks yesterday
with North Korea on the legal and political steps the two nations might
take to ...
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<>US athletes warming up in the winter cold - Mendota Height,MN,USA
At Tarvisio, Italy, last weekend, US alpine skier Julia Mancuso of Olympic
Valley, Calif., won the downhill and finished second and third in a pair of
other ...
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<>US Stocks Rise for 1st Time in 4 Days Amid a Global Rebound
Bloomberg - USA
March 6 (Bloomberg) -- US stocks gained for the first time in four days as
a selloff that wiped out $1 trillion in market value prompted investors to
buy ...
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<>UK'S Alexander says EU/US open skies deal 'falls short' on access ...
Forbes - NY,USA
'But given past discussions, I also recognise that the deal on the table
falls short of providing the kind of access to the US market that a number
of EU ...
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<>EU and US launch talks to step up auditor surveillance cooperation
Forbes - NY,USA
BRUSSELS (AFX) - The European Commission said EU internal market
commissioner Charlie McCreevy and US-based Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board ...
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<> Announces New Monthly High Revenues of US$300000 - USA
As early as December 2005, Shenzhen Haotian's and
received US$12.5 million from Softbank Asia; then in early 2006, ...
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