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Putin Denounces Unilateral US Iraq War Jaafari ...
By Juan(Juan)
Jaafari was the first elected Iraqi prime minister since 1954, and all that
enthusiasm in the US in January, 2005, about the purple fingers was in essence
enthusiasm for the government that he formed (April 2005-March 2006). ...
Informed Comment

US Gov't to Release New Dollar Coins
By MyWayOnNow
Two recent efforts to promote wide usage of a dollar coin proved unsuccessful.
But maybe Susan B. Anthony and Sacagawea should not take public rejection personally.
It's not easy overcoming people's indifference to dollar coins, ...
Netscape.com Money Stories

Vladimir Putin Blames US for World Instability
By podcasts@redstate.com (Redstate Network)
Russian President Vladimir Putin, in some of his harshest criticism of the United
States since he took office seven years ago, said Saturday that Washington's
unilateral, militaristic approach had made the world a more dangerous place ...
Redstate - Conservative News...

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