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Progress in Baghdad will take time - US general
Reuters India - Mumbai,India
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A US-backed Iraqi security plan seen as a last-ditch
attempt to halt violence in Baghdad will not produce results overnight, a
US ...
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<>US ex-generals reject Iran attack - Doha,Qatar
Three former senior US military officials have warned against a military
attack on Iran, saying it would have "disastrous consequences" for security
in the ...
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<>US adjusting tactics in Iraq after copters downed
Reuters AlertNet - London,England,UK
BAGHDAD, Feb 4 (Reuters) - The US military is adjusting its tactics in Iraq
after four helicopters were shot down over the past two weeks, US military
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<>US: N. Korea must live up to pledge
Boston Herald - Boston,MA,USA
SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea must live up to its pledge to fully
dismantle its nuclear program, the main US envoy to disarmament talks said
Sunday, ...
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<>US: 4 Copter Losses Due to Ground Fire
Forbes - NY,USA
The four US helicopters that have crashed in Iraq since Jan. 20 were
apparently shot down, the chief American military spokesman said Sunday -
the first ...
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<>Iraq fire downed US helicopters
BBC News - UK
Four US helicopters lost in Iraq in recent weeks appear to have been downed
by ground fire, the US military has admitted publicly for the first time.
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<>US General Now Leads NATO Afghan Force
Forbes - NY,USA
The highest-ranking US general to lead troops in Afghanistan took command
of 35500 strong NATO-led force Sunday, putting an American face on the ...
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<>Japan's foreign minister calls US policy in Iraq 'naive'
Forbes - NY,USA
TOKYO (AFX) - Foreign minister Taro Aso criticised the US policy in Iraq as
'very naive' and blamed it for spiralling unrest there. ...
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