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US, Iraqi forces fight militants
CNN International - USA
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- US and Iraqi forces battled militants in three
Baghdad neighborhoods Wednesday as the sounds of gunfire, explosions and
helicopter ...
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US-led troops clash with gunmen in central Baghdad
Reuters AlertNet - London,England,UK
BAGHDAD, Jan 24 (Reuters) - US-led forces clashed with gunmen in a Sunni
insurgent stronghold in central Baghdad on Wednesday, a day after President
George ...
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US launches new air strike on Somalia -report
Reuters AlertNet - London,England,UK
MOGADISHU, Jan 24 (Reuters) - A US Air Force AC-130 gunship has launched a
second air strike against suspected al Qaeda operatives in southern
Somalia, ...
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High-tech US ID cards to ease travel
Calgary Sun - Calgary,Alberta,Canada
US motorists visiting Canada will soon be able to flash a high-tech
identity card when they return to the US -- but it remains to be seen if
Canada will ...
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Euro, pound fall against US dollar in morning European trading
International Herald Tribune - France
BERLIN: The euro slipped below US$1.30 on Wednesday, and the British pound
also dropped after surging to a new 14-year high against the dollar the
previous ...
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Iranian president says US is incapable of inflicting serious ...
Boston Herald - Boston,MA,USA
TEHRAN, Iran - The United States is incapable of inflicting ”serious
damage” on Iran, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday, as a second
US aircraft ...
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Let nations help, US urges Ecuador's new president
Miami Herald - FL,USA
Speaking on US-Latin American relations at the Center for International and
Strategic Studies, a Washington think tank, Shannon continued the Bush ...
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US fire fighters getting used to 'Strine'
ABC Online - Australia
The recruits were officially welcomed at a dinner in Melbourne last night
by the US Ambassador to Australia, as Samantha Donovan reports. ...

Travel to US off 17% since 9/11 attacks
Toronto Star - Toronto,Ontario,Canada
11, 2001, attacks has cost the country more than $15 billion (US) in lost
taxes and nearly 200000 jobs, a study showed yesterday. ...
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