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19 US soldiers die in Iraq attacks
The Australian - Sydney,Australia
BAGHDAD: NINETEEN American soldiers were killed in military operations in
Iraq at the weekend in the deadliest day for US forces in two years,
including 12 ...
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US betting probe to outrage UK
The Australian - Sydney,Australia
THE US Department of Justice has ordered the world's biggest investment
banks, accountants and law firms to hand over all emails, telephone records
and ...
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Five US soldiers killed in Iraq - US military
Reuters AlertNet - London,England,UK
BAGHDAD, Jan 21 (Reuters) - Five US soldiers have been killed in combat in
Iraq's volatile Anbar province, the US military said on Sunday. ...
See all stories on this topic:

Somali journalist says seen US troops in south
Reuters AlertNet - London,England,UK
NAIROBI, Jan 21 (Reuters) - A freelance journalist said on Sunday he had
seen US troops on the ground in south Somalia working with Ethiopian forces
hunting ...
See all stories on this topic:

US suffers deadly Iraq day as copter crash kills 12
The Age - Melbourne,Victoria,Australia
US FORCES had one of their costliest days in Iraq when 19 troops were
killed, including 12 on a helicopter and five in a clash in the Shiite holy
city of ...
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QinetiQ to buy US firm Analex
Reuters.uk - UK
QinetiQ said the deal was subject to regulatory clearance in the US but it
would offer $3.70 per Analex share and had received the backing of 58.8
percent ...

Mexico extradites drug barons to US
The Australian - Sydney,Australia
MEXICO CITY: The US has praised Mexico for extraditing an "unprecedented"
group of alleged drug lords north to face justice - a move that could up
the ante ...
See all stories on this topic:

Copper price buttressed by US data
The Australian - Sydney,Australia
ENCOURAGING economic news out of the US has helped arrest copper's price
decline and strengthened the support for other base metals. ...

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