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News Analysis: The new US commander in Iraq has a numbers problem
International Herald Tribune - France
WASHINGTON: When Lieutenant General David Petraeus assumes his duties as
the new US commander in Iraq, he will be guided by a new military doctrine
on ...
<>N. Korea says accord reached with US on nuke talks
Houston Chronicle - Houston,TX,USA
SEOUL, South Korea North Korea said it reached an agreement with the US
during talks this week on its nuclear program, and the top US nuclear envoy
<>N.Korea: Deal Reached in US Nuke Talks
Forbes - NY,USA
North Korea said it reached an agreement with the US during talks this week
on its nuclear program, and the top US nuclear envoy expressed optimism
Friday ...
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<>IPC US REIT Declares January 2007 Distribution
Canada NewsWire (press release) - Canada
A unitholder who holds US-dollar-quoted units under the symbol "IUR.U" will
be paid the distribution in US dollars. ...
<>North Korea says agreement reached in nuclear talks with US - Hamilton,Ontario,Canada
US nuclear envoy Christopher Hill, left, shakes hands with his South Korean
counterpart Chun Young-woo during their meeting at the Foreign Ministry in
Seoul ...
<>HK and Shenzhen promote GPRD investment opportunities to US investors
Media Newswire (press release) - New York,NY,USA
US investors attending an investment promotion event in Washington DC,
"Hong Kong and Shenzhen: Your Winning Formula in China", today (January 17,
<>Nigeria: New US Iraq Policy - Old Wine in New Bottle - Washington,USA
It has been generally acknowledged inside the US that an increase in troops
is of the same nature with its incessant expansion of military input of the
late ...
<>US oil demand dropped slightly in 2006
WASHINGTON - While oil companies reaped gargantuan profits in 2006 amid
high prices, US demand for petroleum dipped last year to below 2004 levels,
<>Delta to take US Airways bid to board - Charlotte,NC,USA
Delta Air Lines Inc. is studying US Airways Group Inc.'s $10.2 billion
hostile takeover bid and will take the offer to its board of directors
soon, ...
<>Gates visits Iraq as US troops seize Sadr aide
New Straits Times - Persekutuan,Malaysia
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates has paid a brief visit to Iraq to discuss
the fight against sectarian violence amid efforts to downplay signs of a
rift ...
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