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By Ron Gunzburger
President Bush's plan to send an additional 21500 US soldiers to Iraq -- touted
as a ... Last week we mentioned how US Senators Sam Brownback (R-KS), ... The best
way forward for the United States in the Middle East is to assemble a ...
<>How have past US Presidents broken the bad news in times of war?
The US scrambled to manufacture more. Most importantly, he promised the people
openness, as much as possible. In his words: "Your Government has unmistakable
confidence in your ability to hear the worst ... You must, in turn, ...
History News Network
<>US will attack Iran by April, or so this source says
By Doug Henwood
US Military Strike on Iran Seen by April 07 by Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief,
... country in the region, he said the US and its allies will target the ...
He went on to say although US Defense Secretary Robert Gates and ...
Doug Henwood Talks
<>NGOs to sue US over WMD claims
By gatitabonitasen
OME 30 non-governmental organisations in Niger said overnight they are going
to sue the United States for nearly two billion dollars for "unfairly accusing"
Niger of selling uranium to the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. ...
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