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Kenya: US Tactics Pose Danger
AllAfrica.com - Washington,USA
The time of American unilateralism is objectively over. Whether US foreign
policy will come to reflect this fact, only the future will tell. ...

Let us pray for an Ashes whitewash, for 3 o'clock kick-offs...and ...
Times Online - UK
... Yet although we no longer stay up half the night or rise early to catch
a little of the action (and most of us secretly hope that the Prime
Minister will repay ...

Former US president Ford honored at grand state funeral
Xinhua - China
2 (Xinhua) -- US political leaders honored late former president Gerald
Ford at an elaborate state funeral service at the Washington National
Cathedral Tuesday ...
See all stories on this topic:

Only 6 of 75 US communities win highest scores for emergency ...
Boston Herald - United States
WASHINGTON - Only six of 75 US metropolitan areas won the highest grades
for their emergency agencies’ ability to communicate during a disaster,
five years ...
See all stories on this topic:

Dollar May Weaken on Concern US Manufacturing Failed to Grow
Bloomberg - USA
By Ron Harui. Jan. 3 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar may decline against the euro
on speculation a US report today will show manufacturing failed to grow in
December. ...
See all stories on this topic:

Foot-dragging hurts us
Bangkok Post - Thailand
... conviction. A proverb tells us, "Beware the wrath of a patient man".
... ambassador. Your indecisiveness is going to cost you, and the rest of
us, dearly.

The limits of Indo-US partnership
Rediff - India
For India, the nurturing of the relationship with the US has been the most
important foreign policy priority in recent years. This ...

Deal directly with us, say bus operators
Malaysia Star - Malaysia
... “The list is one of the criteria needed for us to apply for temporary
permits from the Road Transport Department (JPJ),” Chee said, adding that
it was also ...

US to keep mercury out of world market
Chicago Tribune - United States
... After mulling a potential sale for several months, the US Department of
Energy confirmed Tuesday that it will keep nearly 1,300 tons of mercury in
storage ...

German Muslim with American family detained, denied US entry
San Jose Mercury News - CA, USA
... Roxanne Hercules, a spokeswoman for US Customs and Border Protection,
confirmed Tuesday that Shehadeh was denied entry, but would not discuss
specifics of his ...

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