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US Proposes N. Korea Start Denuclearizing in Two Months
Chosun Ilbo - Seoul,South Korea
The US is said to have proposed to North Korea that it take early steps
toward denuclearizing within the next two months. Citing ...
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US plans for national farewell to Ford
Xinhua - China
27 (Xinhua) -- Final plans were being drafted on Wednesday for a national
farewell to former US president Gerald Ford, one day after he died at 93 at
his home ...
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US Climbers Lost in China May Be Roped Together, Friend Says
Bloomberg - USA
... a missing American alpinist spotted on a remote Chinese peak may be
roped to its climbing partner, said a friend who's coordinating search
efforts from the US. ...
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US Proposes Listing Polar Bears as Threatened Species
Voice of America - USA
... US Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne says he is making the proposal
because receding Arctic sea ice may be responsible for polar bear
population declines. ...
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US STOCKS-Dow ends at record over 12,500; home builders help
Reuters - USA
... NEW YORK, Dec 27 (Reuters) - US stocks staged a broad rally on
Wednesday, with the Dow rising above 12,500 to end at a record, as
investors rushed to invest ...
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Anger in Najaf after US soldier kills Al Sadr aide
Gulf News - Dubai,United Arab Emirates
... cleric Moqtada Al Sadr marched through the Iraqi city of Najaf in an
angry funeral procession after a senior Al Sadr aide was killed by a US
soldier yesterday. ...
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US Backs Ethiopian Intervention In Somalia
Playfuls.com - Targu Mures,Romania
The US government Wednesday voiced support for Ethiopia's military strikes
in neighbouring Somalia, aimed at Islamic militants fighting the country's
weak ...
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Americans Begin Debate on US Nuclear Weapons Program
Voice of America - USA
... It calls for one central facility to consolidate production and storage
of US weapons-grade plutonium, which D'Agostino told a New Mexico newpaper
would reduce ...

Gains in US stocks may extend into ’07 on rates, M&As
Economic Times - India
NEW YORK: US stocks overcame a housing slump, a manufacturing slowdown and
falling profit forecasts this year to have their biggest annual gain since
2003. ...
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$A lower, overnight $US gains shortlived
The Age - Melbourne,Victoria,Australia
The Australian dollar opened weaker today, after overnight gains versus its
US counterpart proved short-lived. At 0700 AEDT the ...
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Virgin America's Bid to Start Flights Denied by US (Update2)
Bloomberg - USA
... Virgin America Inc., a startup airline partly owned by UK billionaire
Richard Branson, won't be able to begin flights because of US government
concerns about ...
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