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Moving Ahead Without Us
By Steve Soto
As the Bush Administration chooses once again its default-position answer for
Iraq of another troop increase, blasting Syria and Iran for the instability that
Bush himself caused, it looks like Baghdad is moving on without us to do we ...
The Left Coaster
<>Poll: Majority of Iraqis want us out within a year, support ...
By John in DC
74% of Shiites and 91% of Sunnis in Iraq want us to leave within a year.
The number of Shiites making this call in Baghdad, where the US may send more
... By a wide margin, both groups believe US forces are provoking more violence than ...
<>Wii error code 110213 makes us cry
If you are seeing error code 110213, then you are in for a nasty surprise.
You are going to have to ship your Wii to Nintendo. The good news, they replace
it for free within 3-4 business days. The bad news, you are without Wii for 3-4 ...
digg / Gaming
<>Trust us...
By David Oscar Markus
Magistrate Judge Barry Garber recommended that the motion to suppress the
confession of the FIU Professor/Cuban agent be denied and that the motion to
dismiss be denied (Jay Weaver, Herald). The defense contended that government agents ...
Southern District of Florida Blog
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