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Green Lightning exercise strengthens US, Australian ties
By (Staff Sgt. Eric Petosky)
"Australia's alliance with the US is based on shared values and a range of mutual
strategic interests," said Diarmid Bartlett, of the Australian Defence Department's
International Policy Division. "Training and exercising with the ...
Air Force Link Top Stories
<>US Ex-Im Bank Approves Comprehensive Guarantee for UPS Capital ...
The Export Import Bank of the UnitedStates has approved Comprehensive Guarantee
to cover a US Loan of $9.38million to fund establishment of Xechem Pharmaceutical
Plant in Abuja,Nigeria, estimated to cost $12.45 million. ...
Latest Articles From SYS-CON Media
<>5 US Troops Killed in Western Iraq
Other news: Russian FM criticizes European-drafted UN resolution on Iran; South
Korea to ban entry of North Koreans with supected ties to nuclear program;
Presidents of France and China meet; China agrees to buy 150 Airbus planes; ...
VOA News: TopStories
<>US generals call for Democratic takeover
Two retired senior Army generals, who served in Iraq and previously voted
Republican, are now openly endorsing a Democratic takeover of Congress. The two
retired generals, Maj. Gen. John Batiste and Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, first openly ...
digg / Political News
<>My News: Bush Signs US-Mexico Border Fence Bill
Bush Signs US-Mexico Border Fence Bill; Bush Helps Raise Cash for GOP ... US News.
4 Firefighters Killed in Calif. Wildfire; 3 Firefighters Killed in Calif. ...
Korea Concern; US Death Toll in Iraq Worst in a Year; Dozens of Afghanis ...
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